Breakfast Ideas – Puffy Snacks

19 Jan

by Contributing Writer Laura Hewe​tson

Another bound-to-be favourite of your kid!! Snacks that kid’s truly will enjoy 🙂IMG_3658

You’ll need:
1-2 Sheets of puff pastry
tomato sauce
spinach leaves (frozen or fresh)
feta cheese
1.     Cut the sheet of puff pastry into bite size squares.
2.     Put on our favourite topping!!!  (Get the kids to do it!)
We did a ham and cheese “bite”, as well as a spinach and feta. As long as the topping is not too “wet” it will work great!
3.     Put the squares onto a tray and bake according to puff pastry instructions, usually 190-200C for about 10-15 minutes, (until puffed and golden!)
4.     Best eaten warm and on the day!! Yummy!

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